Monday, January 27, 2020

Rules and Regulations of University

Rules and Regulations of University 1. CONTEXT. This assignment is the part of Pgd program, which is submitted under the rules regulations of university to MR.Hashim Hirani In this assignment I searched on CIPD, means The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development Company and I find material about grievances dismissals and disciplinary procedures in CIPD. This assignment is organised to cover Harvard referencing. 2. Why are disciplinary and grievance procedures necessary? Disciplinary and grievance procedures provide a clear and transparent framework to deal with difficulties which may arise as part of their working relationship from either the employers or employees perspective. They are necessary to ensure that everybody treated in the same way in similar circumstances, To ensure issues are dealt with fairly and reasonably, that employers are compliant with current legislation and follow the Acas code of practice for handling disciplinary and grievance issues. Disciplinary procedures are needed: So employees know what is expected of them in term of standards of performance or conduct. To identify obstacles to individuals achieving the required standards. as an opportunity to agree suitable goals and timescales for improvement in an individuals performance. To try to resolve matters without recourse to an employment tribunal. As a point of reference for an employment tribunal should someone make a complaint about the way they have been dismissed? Grievance procedures are needed: To provide individuals with a course of action should they have a complaint which they are unable to resolve through regular communication with line manager? To provide points of contact and timescales to resolve issues of concern. To try to resolve matters without recourses to an employment tribunal. 2.1 The legal position. The statutory procedures for handling discipline and grievance issues introduced in October 2004 were widely, although the provisions were only in force for less than five years, the statutory dispute resolution procedures were repealed in their entirety with effect from 6 April 2009 when the provisions of the employment act 2008 were implemented. From 6 April 2009 the important provisions governing discipline and grievances at work are to be found in: The Employment Act 2008 The Employment Tribunals (Constitution and Rules of Procedure) (Amendment) Regulations 2008 Numerous other pieces of legislation cross refer to discipline and grievance issues: The Employment Rights Act 1996 as amended The Employment Rights Dispute Resolution Act 1998 The Employment Relations Act 1999 The Employment Rights Act 2004. 2.2 Disciplinary policy and practice in CPID. There are two type of disciplinary system may b used Capability/performance and conduct 2.3 Capability/performance. It is inevitable that at some stage all employers will encounter difficulties with the performance of their employees in the workplace. Many employers will have a specific capability procedure to deal with such matters. It is good practice and also more efficient that such issues are addressed informally, as and when they arise. Only when informal options have been exhausted and where there is no alternative should managers enter a more disciplinary or capability procedures. Situation where an individual in unable to do their job because of ill health may also fall into this category. In these instances an employee should be dealt with sympathetically and offered support. However, unacceptable levels of absence could still result in the employer making the warning. 2.4 Conduct. Employee misconduct could range from continued lateness, failure to follow a reasonable management instruction, abuse of the organization computer system or internet access, bullying behavior or creating a hostile work environment, through to theft, fighting, and any other criminal offences. The more grave offences may constitute gross misconduct. 2.5 Stage of the process. If disciplinary action is to be taken, it should always have three terms. Letter Meeting Appeal There must always be a full and fair investigation. 2.6 Record keeping. All records should be kept as this will be vital should a case be taken to an employment tribunal. The type of records may b meeting, emails, attendance notes, telephone calls, and post etc. 2.7 Handing disciplinary interviews. All line managers should be trained and supported so that they are able to carry out disciplinary meetings with their team. The HR department should be able to assist them by providing a source of advice on preparing for and conducting the interview and relevant legislation. The key points to consider are: Ensure all the facts are investigated in advance. make sure the employee knows from the letter inviting them to the meeting why they have been asked. Make sure the individual has reasonable notice, ideally more than 72 hours, and that they have chance to arrange an appropriate representative if they wish. Provide appropriate statement from people involved in advance of the meeting Make sure another member of management can be there to take details notes. Never pre-judge the outcome of the interview before the hearing. Start the interview by stating the complaint to the employee and referring statement from people involved. Give employee opportunity to put forward their side of the story and call any supporting witnesses. Make use of adjournments always take a break to consider and obtain any extra information you need before reaching your decision. You can alsotake breaks if things become heated or people are upset during the interview. Deliver the decision confirms review periods and ensures you give details of how to appeal. Confirm the decision in writing. 2.8 Potential outcomes. 2.9 No action. After the meeting, the employer may decide that no action is necessary. If an employee was unclear about what was expected from them and they agree to try to resolve the issue via additional support or counseling. 2.10 Warnings. Alternatively, the employer may decide to give the employee a warning. An organizations policy should outline exactly what warnings will be given, but the following are examples of warnings organization may use: Verbal/ oral warning First written warning/improvement notice Final written warning. First written warning 6 months Final written warning 1 year 2.11 Dismissal. There are currently six potentially fair reasons for dismissal. Employers need to be sure that any decision to dismiss an employee will be seen as reasonable by an employment tribunal. The employer must follow the ACAS code prior to any dismissal and also have been fair overall, by complying with internal procedures, treating employees consistently and carrying out a proper investigation. 2.12 Grievance policy and practice. It is essential that grievances from employees are treated in the same fair manner and all line and senior manager must be familiar with their organisation grievance procedure. There are a number of other factors to hear in mind when dealing with grievance concerning harassment. 2.13 Handling grievances informally. Individuals should be encouraged to discuss ordinary, day to day issues informally with their line manager. This helps concerns to be heard and responded to as soon as possible. Where this has been unsuccessful, or circumstances make route for the individuals, then matters should be raised formally through the grievance procedure. 2.14 Handling grievances formally. Employees should also be aware about formal route as well, this including, The three stages of the statutory procedure and any further elements of the organisations additional procedures. with whom to raise the complaint. Timescales within which the organisation will seek to deal with the complaint. Details of the stages of the grievance procedure. An employee should be given the right to be accompanied to grievance hearings by a colleague or trade union representative. As in disciplinary matters, record keeping is important and the ACAS CODE should be followed. 2.15 CIPD VIEWPOINT. Ensuring that people are treated fairly and enabling them to work in a non hostile environment are important factors in the creation of a productive working environment. The CIPD believes that where possible employers and employees should seek to resolve most matters that arise in the course of the working relationship informally. This kind of things makes easy to resolved minor concerns speedily without take any formal action. It also helps to reduce any personal embarrassment in discussing issues of concern. Disciplinary and grievance procedures are essential when informal are ineffective, or where they are inappropriate given the nature of the issue arising. These procedures can also helps to prevent unnecessary staff turnover and absenteeism. And also helps to avoid costly and time consuming tribunal cases. It is essential that those implementing these procedures have the necessary training and guidance to do so, in line not just with minimum legal obligation but also with that principle of fairness and natural justice that is why CIPD staff turnover very low and people raised most of time their issues informally 3 References. ACAS. (2004) Disciplinary and grievance procedures. Code of Practice 1. London: Acas. ACAS. (2009) Disciplinary and grievance procedures. Code of Practice 1. London: Acas. Available at:

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Points of Sale Essay

2.1 INTRODUCTION The data collection used as references to gain information during the research conducted. This literature reviews discuss about the information gathered by reading journals and websites. It explains several important terms being used in developing a Student Information Management System. While, project methodology is methods or technique used to complete this project. This chapter covers the related literature and brief analogy of the proposed study which was used as a basis of reference. The theory, concepts, and principles used in analyzing the research were also tackled in the later part of this chapter of the study. The Review of related literature and studies are highly important in appreciating the difference between the past research and the proposed research. Making it useful in formulating more rational explanation in conducting the study and separating concepts that are closely related with both studies. 2.2 LOCAL LITERATURE The proponents included local literatures that would sustain the development of the proposed system. The proponents added reviews, write-ups, readings and studies related to the present study to the related to system determine the similarities and differences of the findings between the past and present studies. The Philippine Science High School Student Information Management System. These Student Information Management Systems are efficient in handling student data, any of which can be utilized by the school registrar of Philippine Science High School. A local variant of a student information system, the Student Record System (SRS) for Philippine Science High School – Central Mindanao Campus (PSHS-CMC), was developed by Taddie Fel L. Dagaerag and company (2002). SRS was designed to assist the registrar of PSHS-CMC but proper attention for the smooth transition from the previous system to the SRS was not given so the system encountered problems, which require major revisions. According to the school former registrar, Ms. Shiela M. Preagido (Registrar PSHS-CMC, year 2005), â€Å"†¦report on grade is not that usable, unless another program will be made that can copy grades from the summary grades sheets,† therefore, rendering the SRS unusable for the present. There are still insufficient services offered by any software solutions company in the Philippines that can provide the same kinds of functionality on a system with lower cost compared to foreign products. Such student information system would cost in the range from 75,000 pesos to 150,000 pesos. Although the Centre is Open Source software, maintenance and system upgrade will cost the school expensively than creating its own system. It is because of the limited capabilities of the schools own system administrators in handling the Centre and the absence of the services offered by the Miller Group in our country. Purchasing or maintaining an expensive student information system is extremely exorbitant. The Bulacan State University Student Information System Technology innovations had influenced man’s work, from data processing, student transactions, research, planning, monitoring and even in medical operation of man’s body is now entrusted to computer technology. Bulacan State University (BSU) as one of the University in San Jose Delmonte Bulacan aims to be the center of excellence in education had recently made changes to some of its existing systems. The student information system of the university is now computerized, and other systems are on its way. This only show that they are coping with the latest technology. The Student Information System of Bulacan State University aims for an accurate, user friendly, efficient system that can help both the student and personnel for fast data processing of enrollment. Engr. Hediki Hashimoto, a Japanese volunteer headed the creation and conceptualization of the system. The information technology faculty from the College of Engineering and Arts and Sciences assisted him. The system that is web based uses PHP programming language with data stored in MySQL is run through the intranet of SSU. A dry-run for this automated student information was done last summer and the first semester of this school year. Offices affected with the automation were the registrar, cashier, accounting, and the Colleges of Education, Engineering, Arts and Sciences, Industrial Technology, Nursing and Graduate Studies. Feedbacks from the students were formulated when the first semester started. Over 75 % of them say that the automation process of enrollment was better compared with the old system. With the good result of the dry run the student information system will be finally implemented this 2nd semester. The Virgen de Guadalupe de Novaliches School Computerized Enrollment, Grading and Sectioning System. This is broader but at the same time more convenient compare to general objective of the current system. As for the specific objectives, the proposed system has the same objectives as the present system but will me using a server that will serve as the storage of the records the registered students, the student’s personal information and the student’s balance if any. This will be more secured and with ease of use as compare to the present system’s logbook and cabinet. Getting, updating and deleting information would also be easier for the proposed system and it will not consume a large amount of space as used by the current system. As for the advantages of the proposed system, the system will make the job of the Registrar easier and more accurate as for the recording of the student’s balance. Instead of making use of a logbook the proposed system will be using an automated storage that will provide proofs such as the previous transactions of the enrollees. With particular to the storage, the proposed system will be less space consuming and more secured for the storage will be automated and will be accessible only by authorized personnel. In the part of the enrollee, the registration process will be faster especially if the enrollee is an old student for the student doesn’t need to fill-up the form anymore instead the Registrar will only require the student’s student number. Moreover teachers will be able to generate reports such as list of students easily. The Ace Adrian Sandoval Registration System can trace what is the standing of the students. It is extremely useful in the school in the way of working processes of enrolling become much easy. The main goal of this type of research is to track student data within the database the data and characteristics about what is being studied. The idea behind this type of research is to study frequencies, validation update of a student’s is highly accurate, and it does not gather the causes behind a situation. An inquiry of the student allows the admin weather the student is on track regarding to the school premises. The Morning Star Academy Foundation Scheduling System relies on their automatic creation of scheduling or timetable of the student; the school is able to update the queries of subject, time room and the availability of the teacher because of the user friendly of the system the admin can automatically understands the environment of the system. 2.3 Foreign Literature The proponents included literatures that would help in the development of the proposed system. The proponents added reviews, write-ups, readings and studies related to the present study to determine the similarities and differences of the findings between the past and present studies. The Ramapo Indian Hills High School which they call it The Studywiz Learning Environment, it is a secure online learning platform designed to work the way your school works. Teachers can spend more time teaching and less time on repetitive tasks, students are given the tools they need to succeed and parents too can take an active role in their child’s education. Studywiz connects teachers, students, parents and other members of the school community together whilst automating workflows within a personalized learning environment. Using rich media creation tools or off-the-shelf content, teachers can quickly build or tailor online learning activities, content and resources through a web browser to enable teaching and learning to continue anywhere, anytime. Teachers can engage students using the latest online tools and trends, including Podcasts, Blogs, eLockers, Learning Plans and personalized Learning Spaces. Parents too, can take an active role in their child’s education through the internet, and Studywiz. The Early College High school Student Information System provides schools with information to better understand how well their design and organization are serving students’ needs and resulting in reaching short- and long-term goals, including the earning of two years of college credit by high school graduation. The SIS continues to follow students after they leave early college high school and provides follow-up information to the school on the number of students who continue on to earn a four-year college degree. Schools use the system to monitor the progress of individual or groups of students or classes and to manage information on services and supports provided to students, including tutoring, mentoring, and counseling. The analyses provided by the system support professional development, program planning, and continuous school improvement. The SIS provides solid evidence that helps to sustain and expand funding, policy, and public support for early college high school. In order to obtain access to data on students, Policy Studies Associates contacts schools districts to secure agreement to participate in the SIS. Jobs for the Future works with postsecondary institution and district officials to gain approval for data transfer based on existing policies and requirements. EDSmart works with each institution’s or district’s research and evaluation unit to determine procedures for extracting, transforming, and transmitting district data to the SIS. Personal identity is protected by assigning each student a unique Student Information System number, which is assigned by EDSmart. Only this identifier, not student names or social security numbers, are visible and accessible to users of the SIS. Early college high schools and school districts supplying data on their students are the only ones that have access to individually identifiable student data. Districts are asked to update the data on students, preferably after each term. Information is collected on students enrolled in early college high school (beginning in fall 2002 through the 2008-2009 school year). Aggregated, district data is collected on non-early college counterparts for comparison purposes. Districts report data until the 2008-2009 school year. Postsecondary data collection will continue until 2013, at which point the SIS will be disposed of safely. Data records will be made available to districts for their students. The Early College High School Initiative’s SIS was developed in 2004 to capture and analyze early college high school data. SIS data provide evidence and documentation of student progress and include student demographics, high school and college courses, persistence and grade progression, state assessment results and post-early college enrollment in higher education. The data in the system offer a means for tracking student progress, improving instruction and student support, and helping students obtain a postsecondary degree. Edith Cowan University (ECU) is currently enrolling more than 5, 000 new students, which has been made easier with its Oracle-based online enrolment system. This has allowed ECU to substantially re-design its business processes. The system is known as the Edith Cowan University Web Enrolment System (ECUWES),and replaces traditional hard copy enrolment. According to the coordinator of Admission Support, Kerian Greenaway, the system offers immediacy and convenience of course enrolment via the Internet the technology in use was set up by Oracle in 1998, when ECU moved towards creating an innovative web-based enrolment and administrative system using Oracle database products. New enrolments using ECUWES are managed differently to re-enrolment on ECUWES. New enrolments are processed while the student is with an enrolment assistant, because there is a need to collect HECS and enrolment papers, as well as to familiarize students with the system. In terms of re-enrolment, the student has full control of enrolling in a six-week period, which allows for any small glitches in the system, such as not being able to get online.ECU also previously faced difficulties with managing student enrolment administration, as staffs were distributed across several locations, so there was a desire for improved access and management of student information. Similarly, re-enrolment required students to travel to the University and queue for service from administration staff. Faculties also requested that students enroll by porting enrolment sheets on computer bulletin boards. With ECUWES, students from remote areas and international students enjoy easy enrolment with improved time effectiveness. There have been no major problems, apart from a few power failures, but ECU has back-up plans, such as enrolment assistants taking up all the paperwork and processing the information once back online. Illinois Virtual High School Inquiry This online inquiry gives detailed information on persons that can be contacted with regard to specific field; example is a general program Issues, Technical Problems, Faculty Information and course development. It also gives information about their regional coordinators for participating schools. The website has a login feature where the students can login using their login ID. The online inquiry system of Illinois High School helps the authors to picture out and develop an ideal database structure for the system that will be proposed. The proponents system is similar and is based on some capabilities of the system in this study like the inquiry of courses and login feature for the students. A web-based enrollment system is developed to help both the old and new students, to enroll in a more efficient way without the hassles of waiting long hours just to fill up forms, which sometimes become redundant, or to stand in line and pay at the cashier. It is with the Web-based Enrollment System for VPS that this new style of enrollment may be achieved. This new type of system offers the student with new options for enrolling at VPS. Just by logging on to their website the student may create his new account for the current year he is to be enrolled in. With this, all the student has to do is to fill up certain forms that do not take more than a few minutes to accomplish. Then the records will be stored in the school database for future references. After that the student will be given confirmation that the transaction has been verified and all that the student has to do is visit the school and pay appropriate amount for the current school year. The student may also browse the web site of VPS and he can check his current account. He can also see the list of the school current tuition fee rates. For further enhancement of the site, an on-line payment or e-commerce is highly recommended. This feature for the system could be achieved by collaboration of the school with banks to provide easier payment and a more secure transaction. Posting of grades can also be a great addition to the site. Especially the breakdown of each grade can be seen by the students but with utmost security. Compared to the web-based enrollment system for VPS, the proposed system for CMI would only cover the current students; the student would also be asked to log into his or her account in the website where he/she would be asked to fill up some forms to update the school’s database. A confirmation would then be sent to the student that would inform him/her that the transaction is valid and had been verified. But unlike the system, there would be another option for the mode of payment that the student could choose from namely, on-line payment. AIMS enhances enrollment system of UNO-R Bacolod

Friday, January 10, 2020

Alex Haley

As of now, there are millions of website that can be searched on by people. It helps people to find necessary information in a split of second rather than to go to the library and see lots of books just to find the needed information. In searching the web, there are many troubles that a person can encounter. A particular site may have the needed information but the way it was presented is dull that it may not attract people that are searching.From Ann-Marie Imbornoni site, she group the information on her site so that readers will not get annoyed in reading such a long biography or how she starts in making a novel and how she becomes a successful in writing a children’s story. Although it is much shorter and not all necessary information was written there, the important is some significant events like the year it was released was revealed there (Imbornoni, 2006). But its background color is somewhat irritating to the eyes of the visitor.Its color is so striking that a person m ay not able to stay longer if that person caught the attention of the background. And the way it was written was okay because it is very readable to anybody. The picture of Rowling is so small that visiting person should take a time to look at her picture. And from R. Pettinger site, he gives much emphasis on how the Harry Potter concept all started. He clarifies how some scenes in the Harry Potter Book I was connected to J. K. Rowling’s life (R.Pettinger, 2007). It was quite long compared to Ann Marie Imbornoni’s site, but it was much cleared and unlike to her site, some events here were not that revealed like the title of each series and when it was published. Also, the background of the site was quite dull and it was not that interesting to read if the reader wants to have a fairer background and at the same time information that will surely give that much idea. The way it was written was good because it was also readable.The picture of the writer that the author is giving emphasis was nice because if a person visiting this site doesn’t know who is J. K. Rowling will give a clarification that she is that person. . References Imbornoni, A. -M. (2006). J. K. Rowling The story of Harry Potter's creator Retrieved May 08, 2007, from http://www. factmonster. com/spot/harrycreator1. html R. Pettinger. (2007). J. K. Rowling Biography. Retrieved May 08, 2007, from http://www. biographyonline. net/writers/j_k_rowling. html

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Literary Criticism The Scarlet Letter - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1199 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/05/08 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: The Scarlet Letter Essay Did you like this example? The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne and The Lord of the Flies by William Golding both relate to the quote No man for any considerable period can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the truth (205-6; ch.20). The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a romantic novel used to criticize Puritan society and question its punishments and way of life. The Lord of the Flies by William Golding is an allegorical novel that speaks about the loss of innocence and the duality of man. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Literary Criticism: The Scarlet Letter" essay for you Create order In both novels, the authors argue that if people constantly try to hide their true self from others they will suffer emotional and psychological consequences. Throughout the Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne criticizes Puritan culture and questions the Puritans laws and way of life while highlighting the double life that many characters live which later lead to their demise. A prime example of a character that lives a double life is Arthur Dimmesdale. Throughout the novel, he is portrayed as this pure Puritan priest who is not capable of any wrongdoing. The townspeople see him as the godly youth the saint on earth! (Hawthorne 120). Early in The Scarlet Letter, Reverend Dimmesdale is tasked with prevailing upon Hester Prynnes hardness and obstinacy: Exhort her to repentance, and to confession, Governor Bellingham begs, and Reverend Wilson echoes the appeal: Exhort her to confess the truth! (Hawthorne 1991, 66, 67). Despite his interest in preserving Hesters silence, the guilt-stricken Dimmesdale does his best to comply. I charge thee to speak out the name of thy fellow-sinner and fellow-sufferer! he commands, and urges her:  (Alsop 1) be not silent from any mistaken pity and tenderness for him; believe me, Hester, though he were to step down from a high place, and stand there beside thee, on thy pedestal of shame, yet better were it so, than to hide a guilty heart through life. What can thy silence do for him to add hypocrisy to sin? (Hawthorne 57-58), but as the story progresses we learn that Arthur is, in fact, the father of th e child born from adultery, Pearl. This double life that he lives leads to a decline in his health. All of the townspeople thought the paleness of the young ministers cheek was accounted for by his too earnest devotion to study, his scrupulous fulfilment of parochial duty, and, his more than all, by the fasts and vigils oh which he made a frequent practices in order to keep the grossness of this earthly state from clogging and obscuring his spiritual lamp (Hawthorne 99-100). Little do the people know that Arthur is actually starving himself and doing all these prayer vigils because he feels immensely guilty. He suffers under bodily disease, and gnawed and tortured by some black trouble of the soul Mr.Dimmesdale had achieved a brilliant popularity in his sacred office. ( Hawthorne 117). Even though Arthur is thriving in his public life he is slowly drowning and being wholly consumed by the guilt that he bears. Hawthrone highlights how Puritans feel that every preacher or church leader is pure even when they have committed crimes punishable by death while trying to show that hiding your sins or part of you, such as a child, can have physiological, physical, and mental consequences. Nathaniel Hawthorne uses Hester Prynne as a foil to Arthur Dimmesdale to challenge Puritan life and culture. The A on Hester Prynnes breast both demands and defies interpretation. That scarlet letter, so fantastically embroidered had the effect of a spell, taking her out of the ordinary relations with humanity, and inclosing her in a sphere by herself. (Pringle 1). From the very beginning of the novel, Hester has always stood in the truth that she has committed adultery and that has made her viewed as lesser in her Society. Most of the major and minor characters in the novelthe tormented lover and guilty minister, Arthur Dimmesdale; the cold, vengeful  husband, Roger Chillingworth; the town gossips and magistratesare guilty at one time or another of reducing the complex humanity of Hester Prynne to the fixed meaning associated with the letter she must wear on her breast for life, the A that identifies her, simply, with the single fact of adultery. (Hodges 1) but none of this bothe rs Hester, only when they threaten to take away Pearl because they see her as an unfit mother. The fact that Hester stands in her truth shields her from the consequences of living a double life for Hester Prynne, with a mind of native courage and activity, and for so long a period not merely estranged, but outlawed, from society, had habituated herself to such latitude of speculation she wandered, without rule or guidance, in a moral wilderness; as vast, as intricate and shadowy, as the untamed forest. (Hawthorne 165). Being cast out from society to live in the wilderness helped Hester find her true self and she was no longer apologetic about her sin she was just living life and her standing in that truth saved her from the same end that Arthur Dimmesdale had on the pillage. Although the Lord of the Flies teaches a message about lost innocence, is also relates to my central theme that if you constantly try to hide your true self from others you will no longer know who the true you is. A prime example of this is Jack, even though he himself is not suppressing his true nature as described at the beginning of the novel he is this uniformed superiority (Golding 21). As the story progresses we start to see the true nature of Jack, we see his savagery come out. In English society, they always put pressure on the boys to be perfect because they are meant to be perfect and the next heirs. This molding ultimately stripped Jack from being able to experience childhood, where you build your core values and beliefs and discover who you are and who you want to be. When he first got to the island he felt that the superficial stuff is what made him-him. The lack of parental guidance constantly molding Jack into this perfect being really lets him tap into his true charac ter, his true self. As we get further into the novel we start to realize that Jack isnt the good kid we see in the beginning in the novel  he is a full savage, signified when he smeared on the clayrubbed the charcoal stick between the patches of red and white on his face (Golding 63). This complete change in behavior and actions show that the once suppressed part of jack, by parents, has now come out whether good or bad he is completely embracing the new person that he has always been just shoved deep down in his being. In Conclusion, both Hawthorne and Golding support the quote No man for any considerable period can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the truth (205-6; ch.20) in unique ways while also supporting the theme that if people constantly try to hide their true self from others they will suffer emotional and psychological consequences.